Event Assistant (Sept. 29th)

Date Posted: Sep 11, 2024

  • Job Structure On-site
  • Job Location Knoxville, TN

Job Description

As Event Assistant, you will help set up and take down a one day Client Appreciation event from 12:30pm to 8:30pm. In addition to your help beforehand and afterward, during the event (4-7pm) you will help at the registration table, buss tables and assist with kids’ crafts.




Load supplies at office (goody bags, kids’ toys, registration supplies, darts prizes, photo booth props, etc.)

Unload van at Ijams

After event, load supplies/wine to take back to office

Unload at office


Greeting Area:

Set up name tag table with tablecloth/runner/small trash cans/décor/supplies

Decorate TTC sign to put on end of table on easel

During event: Help guests with nametags/check-in



Put cones out with reserved sign on closest spots to reserve for musicians, photo booth, face painters, & Darts to park.


Golf Carts:

Tape TTC Valet signs in front window

Give valets TTC cap to wear.

If rain, provide each golf cart with TTC umbrella but be sure to get back after event.


Goody Bag Table:

Set up table with tablecloth/sign/goody bags



Put stacks of koozies and TTC cocktail napkins at bar. 

Get leftovers after event as well as leftover wine to take back to office.


Food Stations/Catering:

Put hand sanitizer at each side of buffet area, 1 at kid's table, & at each dessert table

Put laminated Schedule of Activities List on each of the dining tables.


Yard Toys:

Inflate children’s toys and scatter over hill, put sets together such as baseball bats/balls, etc.

Stick spinners in ground throughout hill.


Darts & Blasters:

Will be at top of hill. Give them buckets with prizes/signs when they arrive.



Take extra extension cord for them to use if needed. Put at area where they're going to set up.


Photo Booth:

Buddy’s provides 3 tables with tablecloths for photo props. Set out props and try to put the "like items" together if time.

Put out photo booth sign.


Inside Building Lobby:

Post signs directing guests towards Meeting Room for face painting and kid's crafts


Face Painting:

One side of Meeting Room toward front, arrange table with 4 chairs for face painters with plastic tablecloths (we will donate to Ijams afterwards)


Kid's Crafts:

Other side of meeting room towards back, arrange 3 tables with chairs around them, put on plastic tablecloths

At each table, put craft supplies with example of completed craft and instructions.

Have a table with extra supplies such as glue, tape, markers plus trash can.


At 7pm, after Event:

Gather TTC items to put in van and take back to office as well as help clean our stuff up.

   Gather any remaining toys, toss the broken ones & pack remainder.

   Gather any remaining craft items/supplies. Leave plastic tablecloths for Ijams to use.

   Get extension cord from musicians.

   Get leftover wine, koozies, & TTC napkins.

   Get hand sanitizers to use in office.

   Get valet signs to use next year. Get umbrellas if used.

   Get parking cones/signs.

   Gather any remaining goody bags/supplies.

   Gather any remaining name tag supplies

   Box up photo booth props. Toss any that are damaged.

   Get bins used for darts prizes as well as any leftover prizes, if any.

Take down any signs posted in the building.

Unload van at office.


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